It was a nice day yesterday so I decided to take our dog, Foster, for a walk in the woods. I also thought I’d take my camera along and get in a few shots.
When Foster goes along for a walk it’s always on a leash. He lives in the moment and all it takes is a rabbit or squirrel and he’s gone. I can’t blame him for this seeming lack of faithfulness to me, it’s in his blood, being part Basset Hound and part Retriever. As a matter of fact I envy him. He’s always happy, is always one hundred percent focused and committed to what he’s doing at the moment and is always being the best dog he can be.
However, walking with Foster on a leash makes getting a good photo sometimes akin to an act of God. All shots are handheld, most are done quickly, with only a few different angles or perspectives, and aperture/ISO settings are adjusted for a quick shutter speed rather then artistic effect.
Forget about wildlife photos unless the subjects are far away or you particularly enjoy shots of them from behind as they flee. More then once, Foster has used his keen sense of awareness and timing to slip into a photo at the very last moment (he especially enjoys macro photography.)
For all of this, I love the little guy and there’s indications that one day he’ll become a great photo assistant. He’s already a great friend.
Now, if I could teach him to carry a tripod and sit quietly while I get my shot.
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Some nice shots there Earl. I’m jealous. All you’d get in my neck of the woods right now is snow and ice. ;)
You should get Foster some little saddlebags, then maybe at least he can cart around some lenses or snack or two for you. Make him earn his keep no? ;)
Thanks! Yeah, it’s starting to turn green here.
If you put snacks in a pack on Foster’s back he’d probably kill himself running in circles trying to get to them. :-)
I’m thinking he may earn his keep on walks when the temperatures get warmer and those slithery reptiles start to come out. He always takes point on our walks. ;-)
Earl, just enjoy your assistant’s company. :-) I’m sure that he enjoys yours. I’ve taken to leaving my assistant at home when I want to take pictures, otherwise, it’s quite comical to see me try to take pictures as my arm is being yanked by the leash as Hobbs, like Foster, decides to explore the ‘moment’ and follow his nose!