Ratatatatatatata…and the drum rolls begin leading up to the launch of Apple’s iPhone. The predictions are now saying 17M units sold by 2008 and possibly 25M units by 2009.

Analyst: Apple May Sell 17M iPhones in 2008 || The Mac Observer:
…Caris & Co. analyst Shebly Seyrafi thinks the company’s estimates may be too low by about seven million. Mr. Seyrafi is estimating that Apple could sell as many as 17 million iPhones in 2008, and then jump up to 25 million units in fiscal 2009, according to Barron’s.

I’m not sure how I feel about these estimates. I think that the iPhone could be very successful but I’m not sure how many people will be willing to pay the price of admission. A critical point will be that price. I’m thinking it may be lower then what was initially announced which could lead to higher then estimated sales.

The second critical factor will be functionality and performance. No one’s going to pay those prices for a “pretty brick”.

I myself would love to have one but I’m not moving from Verizon Wireless to Cincular/AT&T for that privilege.

Technorati Tags: apple+iphone, iphone

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Richard Querin
17 years ago

“I myself would love to have one but I’m not moving from Verizon Wireless to Cincular/AT&T for that privilege.”

And therein lies what might be the real crux of the matter.

17 years ago

I think yes – AT&T have over 1 Mio iPhone Fans… – i think it would be more than 17 millions…