I’ve spent time today reading feeds and consuming general information and I have to say there’s one thing I’m wondering.

After five long years of development by a company with one of the largest R&D budgets in the world;

after promising a revolutionary operation system…

“Longhorn, the next version of Microsoft Corp.’s Windows desktop operating system, will be so different from its predecessors that users may not like it right away.” Bill G.;

and delivering what has been described as a slightly unstable XP with a pretty face and some extra utilities;

after taking the simple packaging model of “Home”, “Media” and “Professional” and turning it into a non-technical users selection nightmare; and

after taking one of the biggest concerns for Windows users, “security”, and making it so unfriendly and frustrating that most users turn parts of it off,

is there a general feeling of disappointment with the OS upgrade (Vista) that Microsoft delivered?

I know it’s a leading question, but the statements above were gathered today from reading others blogs and reviews concerning this subject.

Technorati Tags: microsoft, microsoft+vista, vista