I would readily admit that I have an email habit, but I don’t know that I would personally use as strong of word for myself as addicted. I say this because even tho I do check my email often during the day when I’m away from it, such as a vacation, I seldom feel more then minor withdrawal pains.

However, I have no doubts that there are lots of people who are truly addicted as described by Tom Stafford at Mind Hacks:

Like lots of people who sit in front of a computer all day, I am addicted to email. This worries me for two reasons. The first is the sheer strength of my compulsion. I must hit the ‘get mail’ button at least a hundred times a day. Sometimes, if I don’t have any new mail, I hit it again immediately, just to check. I interrupt my work to check my mail even when I know that I’m not going to find anything interesting and that I should just concentrate on what I am supposed to be doing. When I come back to my office it’s the first thing I do. If I’m prevented from checking my mail for more than a few hours I get a little jumpy and remain that way until I have.

Mind Hacks: Why email is addictive (and what to do about it)

We can all get drawn into this technical instant connect world we live in.  So much so that it can make us feel personally disconnected when we are out of touch for any period of time.

technorati tags:email, addiction, compulsion

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