Apple is having to deal with some tough customer support issues at the moment regarding issues with it’s newly designed intel MacBook and MacBook Pro laptops.

Apple is dealing with angry users who are lashing out at the company amidst a flurry of heat issues surrounding its MacBook portable computers, as well as random shutdowns and other problems that surfaced since the new notebook’s debut. This is due in part because customers have come to expect prime service as well as support, and the Cupertino-based company is still trying to uphold its reputation of taking care of its customers, according to David Morgenstern of

MacNN | Apple vs. Dell customer support

A friend and co-worker of mine recently purchased one of the new 17″ MacBook Pro’s and just today noticed that it had started making the “chirping” noise that others have been reporting.

I alway fall back on the good advice of never buying the first generation or version of any product. Especially when it is a total redesign as was the case with the MacBooks. I think the new Apple laptops are  very nice computers, but they do have a few teething problems to be worked out.

technorati tags:macbook, apple, support

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