Apple’s have always been popular with some people but it seems that more people are now consider Apple Mac’s for their primary PC’s then ever before.¬† Chris Seibold in Apple Matters says it’s about a change of attitude along with some compatible hardware which makes the Mac more about getting along..

…it seems that the years of angst spent wondering why more folks weren‚Äôt using a Mac were wasted. It wasn‚Äôt the price, the styling, or the chips; it was that the Mac wasn‚Äôt PC enough. With Intel inside that has all changed. The Mac is now as PC as you want to be and, for many, that is quite a bit. While the increased flexibility is alluring for some, there is a downside for the long time Mac watcher: No more Steve Jobs hosted Photoshop bake-offs. That will be a very sad loss indeed.

Apple Matters | Mac Resurgence: Is it all About the Getting Along?

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