Outlining Workflows and ConceptDraw, ATPM, Ted Goranson
About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) has an interesting column highlighting some of the Outlining, Mind Mapping, and Knowledge Management software for Apple Mac OS X. Applications mentioned in this column include:
- ConceptDraw Suite
- Curio
- DEVONthink Pro
- Inspiration
- Mellel
- Mori
- NoteBook
- NoteTaker
- OmniOutliner
- Process2
- Tinderbox
- Incubator
- NovaMind
- iTaskX
- Merlin
- ProjectX
Each application is listed along with ATPM’s likes of the product and what they think it could use to become better.
Technorati Tags: Meandering Passage, Software
I have a Mac. I am looking for a software to create and manage my knowledge base. I am in alternative medicine business. So, I will be asking patients a series of questions. A new question should pop up based on the answer to the previous ones. At the end of all questions, a series of suggestions for diet and therapies would be offered. Please give me some guidance. Thanks