If you’re an Apple fan or user, Apple announced the new Intel MacBooks today as replacements for the iBooks. Apples computer line-up now looks like this:
Intel Processors:
MacBook Pro – Apples professional line of laptops comes in 15.4″ and 17″ models.¬ These are replacements for the PowerPC G4 laptops that maintain the same silver aluminum look and feel. The 12″ inch model is no more.
MacBook – Apples consumer line of laptops has a 13″ and comes in both white and black. These are replacements for the iBook laptops and have been consolidated to one size.
IMac – Apples all in one consumer line of desktops with a stylist design that incorporates all components into one unit.¬ These are replacements for the iMac G5’s of similar design.
Mac Mini – Apples consumer mini box that includes only the processor unit.¬ You provide everything else.
Power PC Processors:
Power Mac – Apples professional line of desktop computers. These will be replace by new¬ Intel processor models by probably this fall. ¬