In the past there have been years when I’ve made New Year’s resolutions and years when I haven’t. I don’t know that the results in December were much different between those two beginnings.

I’m taking a more progressive approach this year with the hopes of improving those results, or at least the perception of them. I’ve created an outline of detailed goals and accomplishments for the year. I’ve done this on my computer where I can easily update the goals and track and measure individual actions taken in reaching those goals (yes, I’m a computer geek). Some goals will be completed this year and some will only begin this year and be completed in the future. I’ll carry any open items forward to next year. I’m hoping this may eliminate one cause of my lack of perceived results.

I am a victim of drift. For the purpose of this post, drift will be defined as having long term visions and goals but not measuring actual progress. It doesn’t mean taking no action. Certainly I’ve made positive moves in the right direction, but I can’t say I’ve tracked or measured the results of my efforts. So why is this important?

I’ve come to think of it this way. Let’s say that one of my goals was to row a boat across the Atlantic Ocean. So I make detailed plans, get all the equipment and provisions, and set off with great determination rowing towards the distance shore. Common sense tells me that if I keep rowing in the right direction eventually I’ll reach my goal, that other shore. Sounds straightforward. So, each day I row. Soon I can’t see my starting point and my goal is still too far away to be visible. I’m rowing and confirming my direction. I know I’m making progress so all is well, or is it? After many days I find myself harboring some doubts and concerns. At this point I don’t know exactly how far I’m come or how much farther I have to go. I don’t know if I need to correct or compensate for some mid-journey currents that I didn’t initially account for. For all the planning, actions, and determination my efforts may fail. I haven’t been measuring my progress and those self-doubts from not knowing my current position may consume me or even cause me to give up. I’m human.

That said it is probably only my perception that there were no measurable results in previous years. However, “perception is reality” and if I hold this perception because I didn’t measure my results I am doing harm to my own self-esteem. If the lack of results is real, then I need to know why so I may take different actions.

Technical Notes: I do my personal computing using an Apple Mac. I have a “” account and keep the most recent copy of this outline on my .MAC iDisk. Then I can easily update it using my Powerbook laptop or my PowerMac desktop via the Internet. I’m using “OmniOutliner Pro” software from The Omni Group for the outline. This is an excellent outline program and is very intuitive.

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