Upon reading something have you ever wondered if your interpretation of the meaning is actually what the writer intended? Or maybe you know the details of a story or event and then read an article discussing that same event and are totally amazed by the writers observations, which are different and in some cases beyond your own. What may have been first thought and natural to them was a revelation to you. Just as your thoughts could easily be their own revelation.

Each of us harbor different views based upon our personal beliefs, the environment we live in or have been raised in, and our personal experiences. I believe that’s one of the most positive things about Internet blogging. It gives each of us an opportunity to be introduced to varied viewpoints of others and does so in a low risk environment. This latter point is important in that when the risks are low our minds are more open to the introduction of new ideas. You see, I don’t read blogs to find those that think exactly like myself. I already know what I think. I read blogs for those different and unique views. Whether I agree with them or not, I come away a little richer.

My views today are certainly not the same as they were 20 years ago and they may be different tomorrow. Views are turned like a clay vase upon the pottery wheel, being shaped by the careful hands of information and thoughtful consideration. If you want your vase to be unique, purposeful, and enduring, with the beautiful lines of inspiration, you need generous and varied portions of both guiding elements.

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Faction 3
17 years ago

You cant imagine how much money they spend trying to silence good people who will put their lives on the line to fight for change.
