Spring is not a peaceful time of year. It’s a time when there’s lots of energy and new beginnings as well as some reluctant left-overs from winter lingering about. It’s a period of some instability.
Weather wise we’re more then aware of this instability as my stepson is getting married this coming weekend. Plan “A” is for an outside wedding but because the weather is not looking very promising there is also a Plan “B” — inside or under cover. The stress and uncertainty is knowing if and when to switch from “A” to “B.” There’s also some sense of disappointment if Plan “B” must be used.
While perhaps having to go with Plan “B” may seem like a huge disappointment the results will be the same. They will be married with friends and loved ones gathered to witness and wish them well and there will be some really magical memories made, even if Plan “B” is necessary. Things have a way of working out in situations like this. Spring is a wonderful time for new beginnings and I’m sure it will be a wonderful time for them.
I personally always like to have Plan B’s available for important events or even when planning photo shoots, but I like to think of Plan B’s as alternates, not as second choices — it’s about mindset and positive energy.
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A beautiful close up with wonderful color and detail. I wish the couple all the best for the years ahead. Plan A or B will make fine memories.
Don, thanks on both counts!
Up out of the fiery pit. Gorgeous.
What a lot of wise thoughts you managed to pack into so few words. I will keep my fingers crossed for Plan A, but I’m sure that if it’s Plan B there will be some unexpected bonuses.
Anita, thanks. I’m sure either A or B will be wonderful and as you said, contain unexpected bonuses.
Just a thought: You might want to consider backing off the f stop to say f/11. I shoot the same lens and I think the lower f stop produces better sharpness. And in such tight quarters the change in depth of field may not matter. All the best!
Dennis, thanks. I actually shot a number of similar shots at different f stops, from f/9 to f/22. After uploading the images this one had the best combination of sharpness and DOF — but, normally I would completely agree with you that f/11 is a little sharper. Same with yesterdays photo, I was a little surprised in both cases…maybe I’ve got a quirky lens or something. I do appreciate the feedback.
Very radiant image Earl.
Your story about your stepson’s wedding reminds me of my own. Outdoor wedding, and wouldn’t you know it started to rain just as the ceremony started. Never rained that hard though, and we toughed it out.
Gorgeous closeup with all possible details ;)
Exquiste photo, excellent macro shot. Love the details and color. Very pleasing!
Thank you. Have a great weekend.