Play Princess

As a child I had an amazing imagination. I could play for hours using a stick, a piece of scrap wood and the natural surroundings outside around my home. The play was so involved and detailed that it often seemed more real then those moments Mom would make me come in for lunch or to do a chore.

I’ve lost much of that ability to let my imagination run free–replaced with years of responsibilities and discipline. Perhaps a good trade in it’s time but now I’d like to rediscover at least part of those abilities.

Shouldn’t we all be able to play, no matter how old we are? :-)

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Monte Stevens
15 years ago

I agree, Earl. It seems somewhere along the path we move from being childlike to childish. If we would only go back to the childlike ways.

15 years ago

Yes, everything has its time, we had to leave the childhood behind us. Now it’s time to slowly get back what once were lost. It’s in our nature, we get more childish again as we grow old. We could see this already as kids, parents and others their age were, well, lets call it adultish, while grandparents were more like us, childish.

15 years ago

@Monte: I think you hit the nail on the head…there can be a great difference between childlike and childish.

@Ove: We seem to try and play the role that we think is expected of us. In doing this we sometimes lose or leave behind parts of ourself.