For the holidays my daughter drove in from Asheville, NC, this morning and shortly after her arrival we paid a visited to one of my favorite local photo spots. This was her first visit to the Bull Hole area and she seemed to enjoy it.
According to the high water marks, the water here was recently four feet higher then it was today. Todays level was nice however, generating a lot of fast flow and motion. We were shooting handheld with late morning light so no long exposures.
The sun, after almost a full week of clouds and rain, was most welcome. :-)
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Well, I certainly appreciate your sharing of this place with me, too. I’m sure that I’ll get lots of pleasure from it over the holidays. I’ll be at home for 5 consecutive nights, two weeks in a row and I plan to take in this, the zoo, and my ‘dam’ during that time. Want to go along on any or all? :-)
@Paul: Hey, heck I’m always interested but the schedule might be tricky this week with kids and family coming in and out. After this week it’s all clear.
I know you’re eager to test the capabilities of that new lens. ;-)