figus tree
Today was my day to commune with nature…local nature that is.  I mowed the yard and edged along the walks and driveway.  I also repotted a Ficus tree that I’ve had for six years.

I’ve transplanted this tree four times to larger pots with fresh soil.  Each time it’s grown, becoming larger and more prosperous.  Now this must be a big change for the tree.  It’s roots are disturbed and it’s relocated to a new location with new surroundings and new dirt.  Yet after sometimes a little initial shock it adapts and excels.  As I was transplanting it,  I was contemplating how this applies to my own life and came away with the following thought.

It we do not fear change, larger pots so to speak, it can become an opportunity for further growth.

Looking back I’m not sure I’ve always “transplanted myself” as often as I should have.  But I’m working on it.  It still takes time for me to accept change.  It’s a running joke between my wife and myself about it taking 24 hours for me to change direction.

Edited:  7/21/07 6:35 pm EDT to clarify my point.

Technorati Tags: change, growth, transplanting

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