200706161747It’s a fact that I enjoy reading “end-of-the-world” stories.  You know, the ones where some terrible disaster means the end of mankind.  The more the stories are anchored in reality, the more believable the story and the more I enjoy them.

I usually don’t hawk books here, but I recently finished reading an excellent Novel called “The Swarm,” by Frank Schatzing.  The Swarm is a techno-thriller about man’s terrible destruction of the Earth’s fragile ecology and the resulting consequences when the real keepers of the Earth determine we are a threat to their existence.  Mankind’s greatest hurdle may be in realizing he’s not the most intelligent life form on Earth.  It’s an action packed Man versus nature story with some interesting science and story twist.

Frank Schatzing is a German author who cast a very believable story based on current day environmental situations.  For more than two years, this book has been on Germany’s hardcover and paperback bestseller lists and was first translated to English in 2006.

It you like stories of this nature I’d highly recommend “The Swarm”.  You’ll enjoy the read and it will make you think!

Technorati Tags: books, frank schatzing, the swarm


  1. If you like techno-thrillers anchored in reality, I’d invite you to try mine, available at no cost to readers at http://RadDecision.blogspot.com and also in paperback. I am an engineer at a nuclear power plant, and “Rad Decision” follows the course of an impending disaster at such a plant.

    “I’d like to see Rad Decision widely read.” – Stewart Brand, noted internet pioneer and founder of The Whole Earth Catalog.

  2. James,

    Thanks for the info and link. I’ll take a look at.