Some people are more photogenic then others. Personally, I’ve seldom seen a photo of myself I’ve liked–I think there was this one back in 1977 that wasn’t too bad. ;-)

Not caring for your image in a photo doesn’t change the fact that sometimes you do need a photo of yourself. I’ve been wanting a photo to represent me on my photo gallery at Zenfolio, so today I decided to take a few self-portraits. Here’s a candidate I thought captured some of the look I was striving for. :-)

Earl Moore

I’m basically a very private person, so posting this photo of myself is outside my normal comfort zone. That’s one reason I thought it was probably important that I post it.

This wasn’t an easy exercise and I have a deeper appreciation for portrait photographers.

With some creative cropping and touch-up I think this one will work.


  1. Looks good! Kind of has a little western feel to it.

    One comment, FWIW. I would suggest that you look either right at the camera, or a little bit farther away. With that photo it feels a little odd that you are looking so close to the viewer, but not making eye contact.

    Congratulations on posting some self-portraiture. I want to take that step myself someday. Definitely a growth step.


  2. @Eric: Thanks, and I appreciate the feedback concerning the eye contact thing.

  3. Very cool, Earl!

  4. @Paul: Hey thanks!