An article in the New York Magazine speaks of how Steve Jobs of Apple seems to have mellowed these days.  Friends are quoted as saying that it’s the recent close calls that have mellowed him.  These close calls have included the pancreatic-cancer scare as well the Apple stock options backdating scandal, both of which he’s survived.  “I see him around the neighborhood,” says one. “He looks different than he did a few years ago. I think he may want to do something else.” 

One somewhat shocking conclusion is that:

Say what? “I think that Google is going to buy Apple,” this person says. “It would be a victory for Apple; they’d get major-league partners, money, and engineers. And it would be a victory for Steve—a huge win that lets him leave the stage.”

The speculation about Google has a ring of plausibility. Google CEO Eric Schmidt is now on the Apple board; engineers at the two companies are collaborating on Google Maps for the iPhone; and then there’s the YouTube deal for Apple TV. But is there any reason to think that in such a merger Jobs wouldn’t wind up as CEO—or, at least, chairman of the board?

Now wouldn’t that be something.  Two of the most innovative companies that exist today merging their talents and resources.  That would have to be a scary scenario for competitors…say Microsoft.

But then this is simply conjecture by unnamed friends, isn’t it?

…via MacNN

Updated: 06/19/07 to correct a mistake.

Technorati Tags: apple, google, new yorker, steve jobs

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