I read an article recently about Mac’s being cool again. When were they not?

I’ve always been intrigued with Mac’s.

In the mid-80’s I ran a Mac OS) emulator on an Atari ST. I found it interesting but inconvenient in that form. Finally two years ago I purchased my first laptop and Mac, a PowerBook G4, 1.5ghz. For a period of about a year I lived a dual life of using the PowerBook when I wanted to be mobile between home and work and having a primary Windows PC at home. The natural drift for me was toward the Mac. I found that I enjoyed and felt more productive in OS X then in Windows XP. There was also a more natural design to the hardware that fit my own perception of functionality.

AppleIn the spring of 2005 I purchased a PowerMac 2 x 2.7ghz desktop machine. I’ve enjoyed this machine immensely. My Windows PC has been relegated to a game machine. In additional to being fun and functional, the Mac has afforded me many opportunities to increase my knowledge. I now have some basic knowledge of UNIX and am in the process of learning AppleScript along with PHP and SQL. I know that there are many languages and opportunities to learn with the Windows platform, perhaps actually more then with the Mac, but I never seemed to be motivated with Windows.

The Mac seems to encourage my wanting to learn.

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