200708231043DEVONtechnologies released updates for DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office today.  DEVONthink Professional Office 1.3.2 supports MailTags 2.0 notes, allows you to set the resolution and the compression of PDFs, and connects, finally, to ExactCODE’s ExactScan software driving Avision document scanners. For email import you can now set a default encoding, enriched messages support quoting and URL handling, and messages can be imported more than once, showing up as replicants in the database.

Both editions allow you to set the background color of rich text documents, support grouping of found documents directly from within Classify and See Also drawers, and read Finder and Spotlight comments when sync’ing an indexed folder. The Dashboard widgets look way more attractive now, the Download Manager supports the new Microsoft Office documents in XML format, and many other functions have been improved, too, e.g., the advertisement filter.

In addition, DEVONthink Professional checks for and repairs more problems than before, flushes the file system cache more often, and uses a background task to make importing PDFs more reliable. As always, many minor internal improvements and fixes make DEVONthink Professional 1.3.2 faster and more stable.

These updates are free for all registered users.

I’ve been a DEVONthink user for some time and look forward to trying out these new versions.

Technorati Tags: devon, devonthink, software, updates

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