Under the Apache Pier, Myrtle Beach, SC
Under the Apache Pier, Myrtle Beach, SC

Another, and final, under the pier image. Something I didn’t mention with yesterdays post is the Apache Pier in Myrtle Beach, SC, claims to be one of the East Coast’s longest pier (300 yards).

Today’s photo is taken just right of center looking out the length of the pier. The pier’s width has a “flair” about mid-way out where amusements and shops exist. You can see the supporting poles/post for this “flair” in this image.

If you look carefully there is a spot of red far out and near the poles. In the original version it’s clearly a red bucket someone has lowered down on a rope to near water level.

When post-processing this image I decided to ignore the blown out whites. I’m not sure I could have recovered much anyway and I kinda like there not being any distractions from the strong lines and contrasts of the pier structure or ocean water under the pier. Certainly not a great shot, but…

Sometimes it’s the imperfects that create interest and perhaps that’s the case here.


  1. That is an amazing length. The whites aren’t a problem. I like the tilted look of the posts.
    I didn’t notice the bucket until you mentioned it.

    • Don, yeah, it’s a long….pier. :-) I thought if I didn’t mention the red bucket someone would for sure ask about it.

  2. Had to look twice to spot the red bucket in the image … I see an oportunity for a great picture, from a low angle which emphases the doorway effect in here …

    • Thanks, I don’t doubt there are many opportunities for great pictures here I didn’t see at the time. :-)