I think most people would agree that there’s a real problem with public education in the U.S.¬† Some feel it’s a problem with the system while others argue it’s due to a lack of personal responsibility by both teachers and parents.¬† This is an especially crippling issue for poor or minority children whose only hope of a more productive and improved lifestyle is through education.¬† For many it may be the only way out of neighborhoods and life’s involving crime and/or dependancies.¬† Bill Cosby for years played a successful black father on TV who appeared to be an “idea dad”.¬† Since then he has been somewhat controversial in speaking out against a lack of responsibility by parents in general and especially African-American Parents.

Cosby takes on black parents… again – TV Squad:
Cosby’s address at a forum entitled “Education is a Civil Right” took on black parents and educators for not setting goals for children or being able to answer their questions about why education is important. Saturday’s speech offered none of Cosby’s past, more inflammatory criticisms of young African-Americans for squandering the progress made by the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

In their post on the subject,  TVSquad.com asked the question:

Has television’s ideal dad aged into an unfunny curmudgeon, a much-needed public intellectual or just another self-important celebrity?

Anyone that has viewed Bill Cosby delivering one of these addresses would be hard pressed to doubt his sincerity.¬† He truly cares about the future of children in general and more specifically the success of African-American Children.¬† The TV Role he played for so many years has given him a special platform to address these issues.¬† He seems to feel a high enough degree of personal responsibility to speak out on this subject even when his message is not popular with many.¬† Perhaps this is because it hits too close to home.¬† Others have tried to label Cosby as being out of touch, a curmudgeon, or as self-serving.¬† I however think he’s sincere and that his message is important for us all.

We all need to be responsible in securing the best future possible for our children.  I appreciate Bill Cosby for speaking out on this.

Technorati Tags: children, education, person responsibility

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