It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

Henry David Thoreau


I was thinking about a comment from my “Photography: New Eyes” post made by Bonnie Bruno, of Photo Buffet. She said “her best shots come from her own backyard-literally, and that it was a blessing to wander around there and see what she could come up with.”

I’ve quietly followed Photo Buffet and admired the photos for some time. It’s obvious Bonnie’s able to see the beauty around her and has the wonderful skills to capture it in photographic form. Take a look at her work and I think you’ll agree.

That “ability to see” is something I’m working hard to improve/develop in myself. I want to be able to easily spot the “specialness” around me, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Often I’ll stop wherever I’m at and run a mental exercise, listing views or things around me that could be interesting in a photo. I’m training my mind and eyes to see and think in that manner.

Also, when taking photographs I try to work the area I’m in to find those unique shots that extend beyond the subject matter I was first aware of. It’s not always easy but those unique shots are always there.

As Henry David Thoreau said…”it’s what you see” that matters.

One Comment

  1. I’m with you, Earl. Though I don’t comment on her site much, I really like to stop by and see what she’s come up with.

    Also, I like to see what I can come up with from my own backyard. It’s a nice exercise in appreciation.

    BTW, I’m eagerly waiting for your book ‘report’ on ‘Welcome to Oz’! :-)