1. Egrets certainly don’t have much camouflage eh? :-)

    • Mark, I guess when you can stand out in the middle of a marsh and fly you don’t need much camouflage. :-)

  2. Earl, what do you by softened? And why did you do that? I’d love to know your thoughts.

    • Hi Chris, These panoramic images with far distant horizons had a lot of detail with an almost infinite DOF — too much in my opinion, making them appear busy. I wanted to convey more the feeling of the marsh/creatures and not have the viewer get lost in the fine details.

      Post-processing them in Lightroom I reduced the Clarity slider a lot, then adjusted the Highlights(-), Shadows(+), Whites(-), and Blacks(+), balanced to my taste withe the Contrast(+) slider. This gave the impression of detail but a much Softer version — almost a slight oil painting look and feel.