Broom Sage
Bent under winters weight

I’ve spent this work week reading, searching, studying, testing and yes, struggling unsuccessfully to get a feature of our business email software working, I finally discovered a reference last night, via google, indicating it might not be my ineptitude but a bug in our version of software. Now to decided which night or weekend I want to perform a software upgrade. We all know how software upgrades can sometimes go…

The Upgrade Principle

The upgrade will break as soon as the old version is deleted.


The old version will not reinstall.

– Murphy’s Law by Arthur Block, pg 94

And so life marches on.

A rather calming photo today…I felt I needed it. A simplified image from January of Broom Sage weighted down by fresh snow — probably not a favorite photo for those of you in the Midwest and Northeastern United States who’ve had too much of this white winter stuff.

Have a good weekend, everyone!


  1. Good luck with your upgrade!

  2. I hope your spirit is not weighted down. I get chills when I think about software upgrades. They always sound childishly simple, but so often go awry. Perhaps this one will surprise you and play out “as advertised”.

    The photo of the broom sage is lovely. All the light-colored diagonal lines balanced by the weight of the snow produces a nice tension. Like you we haven’t been buried in snow all winter, which means I can look at photos of snow with a light heart.

    • Anita, at first I felt it was a wasted week struggling with an insolvable problem but after some thought I realized I’d learned an awful lot along the way, perhaps things which will pay dividends down the road.

      Thanks on the photo. To be honest the jury is still out on it in my mind, but then aren’t we always our own harshest critics!

      Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. A calming influence is needed after struggling with the computer programs. It’s a very nice shot of the grass set off so beautifully by the snow.

  4. Pj’s corollary to Murphy’s Law — Murphy was an optimist…

  5. Hi Earl,

    I like your calming image. I can relate to you, with software upgrades, being a Network Engineer, and in charge of Exchange, which we will be upgrading to version 2010 soon.
    Solutions will come to you and the upgrade will be successful. Clear your mind, focus on your vision of photography.


  6. I like the calming influence of your image! We had a few days of snow and very cold temperatures this past week and I felt everything but calm.