1. I like the shot for its color and detail but the narrative puts it all together. Fine post.

    • Hi Don, glad you like the image and the narrative. it struck me at the time that now we hike trails by the numbers.

  2. This is quite nice, Earl, it has an HDR quality to it. Is it natural or intentional? Either way, I like it.

    • Ken, thanks. Intentional, the image lent itself nicely to the effect so it didn’t take much to get it to this point.

  3. Your post reminds me of a time I was using a GPS device deep in the wood, without warning I lost satellite coverage. For an instant, I nearly freaked out!!

    • Steve, I can imagine. You get dependent on GPS in a hurry and when it’s not there for a moment you’re lost even if you kinda know where your at. In the deep woods that feeling would be magnified.

  4. Disturbing to me that the more communications technology we have at our fingertips, the less we seem to communicate. The text reminds me of developments that concern me, but the photo is lovely to look at with its contrasting colors and wonderful graphics. The “camauflage” cover on the tree and the oversized, bright numbers on the sign add an interesting twist .

    • Anita, the image seemed strong and a bit unusual so I was looking for a little shock value with the caption as well. :-)

  5. I like the contrast been the red of the man-made numbers and the green of the tree. As for what comes next – I guess that’s up to you!

  6. great detail and framing