Golden Morning Sunshine
Golden Morning Sunlight - Family Room Series

Morning sunshine filters in through windows and doors of the back wall of our family room and strikes the golden wood of our coffee table illuminating it so brightly at times it looks like the wood has an internal glow.

This second series photo tries to capture that moment of illumination.

Where yesterday I was looking to impart comfort todays focus is on warmth — I feel this room has both, comfort and warmth.

Post processing was done using Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop CS4 and Nik Color Efex plugin.


  1. You accomplished your goal as this image has a powerful feeling of warmth. Well done!

  2. I love the colors of the morning sun, you capture it so very well.

  3. A fine creative inside-the-living room shot today. I like the brilliance of the image and the way the morning sunlight enhances the color. Well done.

  4. The nature photographer in me made me think I was first looking at a couple of mushrooms! :-) I really like how the black lines form on the wood surface.

  5. Thanks, all!

    Mark, I saw that mushroom resemblance as well.