Japanese White Pine Bonsai

After stops and starts as well as journeys down dead-ends, I’ve got a title for my SoFoBoMo ’09 book–

A Personal Recipe of Spirit

Truth be known, it was a case of the title selecting me. It “announced itself” as I was doing a rough layout of the book for determining placement of the photos. Seems to fit.

I’ve updated my SoFoBoMo registration to reflect this.

The photo is a Japanese White Pine from the Bonsai collection at the Western North Carolina Arboretum.


  1. Wonderful image. I love this contained light, the strong, almost thick needles and the invitingly warm toning. Definitely working for me.

  2. I love the title. It does exactly what a title should do. It makes me eager to see what’s inside. Congratulations on hearing the message that was whispered in your ear. The picture here is another nice little teaser. It sounds as though you are well on the way.

  3. @Markus: Thanks. I originally passed over this photo but kept coming back. Now I rather like it.

    @Anita: I’m still fluid on much of that “inside” part and I’m feeling the need for the book to live up to its title….no pressure. ;-)

  4. What a title! That is very possibly a recipe in my taste. I’m really looking forward to see it, but feel no pressure. ;-)
    Btw, that bonsai looks great. I have a tiny, half dead one (not at all the same tree, though) at home that I’m trying to get enjoy life again. Very nice b/w.

  5. I like the deep, very strong feel this picture conveys. A fine close up image. I’m glad you were sensitive to the title literally coming to you. That bodes well for your book!

  6. so you’re also doing sofobomo 2009 project! great
    looking forward to your book

  7. That is a great image, Earl. Rally nice tones, very Zen. Vignetting is artificial, I presume?

  8. @Eric: I added a small amount of vignetting but there was a gray cement wall behind this Bonsai that was for some reason wet and much darker on either side from rain. That’s 75% of what appears to be vignetting.

  9. I love Bonsai trees – was amazed at how much care they require when I tried to take care of one once. Fitting image for your project.