
I’m continuing my spring flower macro photo series for a while. All the beautiful blooms have captured my photographic interest and I’m enjoying working at paying their beauty justice.

Thoughts on SoFoBoMo continue to occupy my mind. I’ve got three, possibly four, ideas for a book theme but as the start time draws closer I’m having second thoughts on them all.

Buds What normally works best for me is to let things play through my mind without obsessing or trying for conclusions at this point. My subconscious mind will sort things out and I’ll know what’s right in due time–in Star Wars terms: “Trust in the force, Luke.”

I had a friend who was a programmer and he would take program printouts home with him and place them beside his bed. He said he’d often wake up in the middle of the night and have a solution for a particular problem he’d been working on. The printout was the last thing he saw before going to sleep, keying his subconscious, and he’d quickly write down a solution on the printout if he awoke.

I’ve never taken it that far. ;-)

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