Rock formation Cooleemee Falls

Broken rock formations at Cooleemee Falls River Park (Bull Hole) which are sometimes totally submerged. I suspect the water flow on this particular section of the South Yadkin River may in some part be controlled. The amount of rainfall and water runoff doesn’t seem to always match the expected level of the river and falls.

I’ve been here with water at the very top of these rock walls. When that happens you’d never suspect all of this rocky mayhem beneath. I can only imagine the whirlpool currents that must exist here during those times.

You can locate this rocky section on the far left of the panorama in my previous post.


  1. I was thinking of going there this weekend, but I know that I probably won’t. It’s kind of the last thing that I want to do, drive somewhere, when I get home. :-)

  2. Paul, I certainly understand that…the back and forth driving every weekend has got to be wearing on you.