Late last night I broke two of my cardinal IT rules resulting in Meandering Passage (MP) being down from mid-night till about 7:30 am this morning. The rules:

  1. Don’t assume even the simplest task will go according to plan and can be finished quickly; and
  2. Don’t start a project unless you have abundant time to allow for Rule Number 1.

Just before mid-night last night I decided I’d update a few of my blogs theme files and the WP Super Cache plug-in. I’ve done both of these updates previously and when all goes well it only takes a few minutes. When I finished the updates last night MP was inaccessible with an Apache web server configuration error.

At this late hour I was tired and my mind refused to think logically so I called it a night and went to bed leaving MP down.

I’m a firm believer while sleeping your subconscious continues to work and resolve problems. This must have been the case here.

Within a few minutes this morning I made a correction to an offending “.htaccess” file, fixing the issue.

As we live our lives we sometimes define personal rules based upon our experiences. I’ve got a new rule…”Don’t break any of the other rules!” ;-)

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