We departed Vero Beach, Florida, after the small memorial service for Bonnie’s Mom yesterday afternoon.  Bonnie, in her Mom’s 14 year old Nissan (only 40k miles,) following me in the Toyota RAV4 towing a UHAUL trailer loaded with a few pieces of furniture and a number of boxes. 

Behind us we were leaving an empty but clean house.

That’s what twenty-seven years in Vero Beach were reduced to…a few pieces of furniture and a number of boxes  It certainly reinforces that “things” are not what’s important; family, friends and people are. 

"Sunrise at Vero"

Nine and a half hours, a couple of tanks of gas, coffee, and one Red Bull later we arrived home. 

It’s good to be back folks and I’m looking forward to getting back to writing.

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  1. Welcome back! Looks like you got a great perspective on things!