Many times it’s easy to write articles and posts for Meandering Passage, that’s when you sailing and the wind is at you back. It seems like there’s always going to be something to write about. Other times nothings happening that attracts your interested or you want to share, your in a dead calm and you have to work to keep moving…your rowing.

The last several days have certainly been rowing days for me. Part of it has been that I’ve been very busy with other “stuff” this weekend. On Saturday I spent all day working around the house and yard…working down my to-do list. Much of it involved preparing things for the coming winter; patching some old mortar joins, working on the down spouts, trimming shrubs, etc. Yes, I know it’s only September and there should be several months before “real winter” gets here in NC. However, it always seems to slip up on me if I keep thinking “I’ve got time”. So this year I planned on getting a jump on it and be ready when that first cold snap comes.

Today (Sunday) we had much of my family, including my eighty-six year old Mom, over to our house for lunch. This is the first time we’ve had the whole group here since moving into our new home. It involved cooking that began as early as noon Saturday. It was a lot of work but it went well and was enjoyed by all. Everyone took some of the left-overs home so we would not be stuck eating them all. Then with the beginning of Football season much of my Sunday afternoon was consumed as well.

Thus, here I am rowing, writing this recap of my weekend. Looking back on it I smile…I hope you have had as much fun “rowing” this weekend as I have.

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