Mac Text Navigation Keyboard Shortscuts > gBlog

Are you a developer who has recently switched to a Mac and need to know the awesome text shortcuts in OS X. gBlog has a list of some regularly used:

opt-left: beginning of current word (beginning of previous word)
opt-right: end of current word (end of next word)
opt-up: beginning of paragraph (beginning of previous paragraph)
opt-down: end of paragraph (end of next paragraph)

opt-delete: delete to beginning of word (delete previous word)
opt-forward del: delete to end of word (delete next word)

cmd-left: move to beginning of line
cmd-right: move to end of line
cmd-up: beginning of document
cmd-down: end of document

shift with any of the above: select text. For example, cmd-opt-right selects to end of the word.
you can also chain this, so cmd-shift-right, then shift-left would select to the end of the line, then deselect the last character (ex. leaving the semi-colon).

See the referenced article for additional tips.

Technorati Tags: OS X, navigation, text

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