Time to Quit – Seth Godin's Blog

Sometime you just can't see the forest for the trees. I was reading the above post, "Time to Quit", on Seth's blog today and I was hit with the absolute truth that the advice Seth was giving to his friend, Doug Jacobs, directly applied to me. I've been at my current company for 17 years and have worked my way up through several jobs and positions. However the truth is that I am who they have cast me to be and I will not be promoted or continue to grow as long as I stay here. I have already stayed much too long and in my heart I can't honestly say that I didn't already know this to be true. But we believe what we want to believe sometimes.

Seth was exercising the responsibilities of real friendship. He was telling Doug the truth. I'm glad he shared. I for one heard the message. Thanks Seth.

Technorati Tags: Career Advice, Personal Growth, Observations

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