Lazy Advice to This Year’s Graduates – The Lazy Way to Success – Fred Gratzon

If you could give advice to this years graduates it could be no better advice then what Fred gives in his recent post:

Here is a sad truth about money. If you chase it, you will never think you have enough of it. Chasing after bucks (or quid or euros or whatever) will never fulfill you as an individual. NEVER.

Instead pursue your passion. Love something with all your heart and soul. That is the key to great success. By loving something, it reveals its secrets to you. By loving something you discover subtler and subtler truths. Power, my dear friends, resides in that subtle. That power will deliver the success you would like to have. Success (defined however you like – in terms of wealth, name, fame, power, love, health, happiness, knowledge, and any combination) comes as a side effect of doing what you love.

So I echo Fred’s advice, pursue something you love with passion and you’ll never have to work again. May you all be so lucky!

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